Saturday, August 25, 2012

Busy Days...

Well, if you've read my blog for any time at all, you'll have realized that keeping up with posting is not my strong suit.  Lately we've been so busy trying to keep up with our new school year, chores, a busy home business, and a multitude of other things that I simply haven't taken the time.  However, here's a run down and pictures to update you on what we've been up to.

First, we've been enjoying the beautiful warm weather to do some fun family stuff.  Daddy's favorite past time is fishing, and seeing as the rest of us just don't find it near as exciting, we rarely all go together.  However, we've found a spot where we can all have fun...Camp Columbus!  We joined earlier in the summer and have enjoyed swimming, fishing, having picnics, and studying nature together.  Here's how we spent Father's Day this year.

We've also fostered 7 kittens over the summer for a local animal rescue center that we volunteer at.  It was a great experience and my kids loved watching the kittens grow up.  We finally got them all back to the shelter and the kids got their bathroom back.  Is there anything sweeter than adorable fuzzy kittens?

The kids were all froglets in a local theater production of Honk, the musical version of The Ugly Duckling.  It was lots of fun and they all did great.  Then we used our Read to Succeed tickets and spent a fun filled day at Six Flags theme park.  Adam was brave and rode his first coaster.  He and I rode Mindbender together.  The look on his face was priceless!  He was so scared, but he did it and says he'll go again next year.  We've also been enjoying the hummingbirds that visit our feeder throughout the day.  They are so fun to watch!  I had to be patient, but I got some good close up shots of one of the girls.

 There was also the kids birthday party to get through.  We had postponed Haley's from June, and the boys missed there's in July, so in early August we finally got to it.  No idea why I thought having all three kid's friends here at the same time was a good idea.  We had a house full of kids!  They had fun though, and that's what counts.  I was lazy this year and just made cupcakes rather than themed cakes.

  We've also been busy doing some home improvements.  We finally got a new roof this week.  I'm so thrilled!!  Sad that I get so excited as something as basic and necessary as a roof, but I really do.  If you'd seen what it looked like before, you might understand.  Here's our new improved roof.  Isn't it pretty?  So that's pretty much the highlights of our summer to date.  What have you been up to?

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