Sunday, April 10, 2011

Week in Review - Busy days!

This week was a super busy week for us. I decided to plan out our days for the rest of the month. I'm one of those people who love planning books, and the thought of being that organized, but have a terrible time with the follow through. I've tried doing my planning sheets on the computer, but it just takes too long. I'm using a spiral bound planning book that has room for nine subjects plus room for notes. I use one planner for all three kids. I do lots of abbreviations in order to get everything to fit. I love having my day planned in that it tends to make me more accountable. I am notorious for getting sidetracked and not doing what I planned to do that day. Although I've never been officially diagnosed, I'm quite sure that I have ADD. I always have a million things going at the same time.

Using my lesson plan book, I managed to stay on track until Friday. We didn't accomplish everything on Friday and had to finish up a few things on Saturday. I am bound and determined to keep to the plan for once in my life! I'll let you know how that works for me.

Monday we had choir, and then Haley had a friend over for a playdate. We began reading Little House in the Big Woods by Laura Ingalls Wilder. I am now positive that I would have starved had I lived like they did. The things they had to do for food. The things they ate!! GROSS!!! Despite all of the rather interesting food choices, my kids are enjoying the book as much as I did as a child. I'm reading one chapter per day.

Tuesday was spent at home doing some housework and lots of school work. We're buckling down for the final few weeks until we're through. I'm not planning on taking the full summer off this year though. We will just have a much lighter schedule.

Wednesday was another busy school day, then off to run a few errands and visit with my grandmother-in-law for dinner.

Thursday was more of the same. School work, house work, blah, blah, blah.

Friday we had a fun Easter egg hunt with my homeschool group. We went to one of their friends house and all of the kids spent about 30 minutes chasing down plastic, candy filled eggs. After the hunt, we walked to nearby creek so the kids could wade in the water. While there the owner the property we were on told me that if we looked closely along the shore, we might find fossils. I love interesting rocks and find fossils fascinating. I found four fossils, along with a couple pieces of petrified wood. When we got home I did some research on the computer and determined that the fossils are most likely crinoids. They went extinct 250 million years ago. How cool is that? They were also called sea lillies and were actually living creatures similar to coral of today.

Saturday morning was spent at our church getting everything ready for a First Communion Retreat on Sunday. We have 90 children receiving their First Communion this year! Then it was home for yard work and a play date with a friend that Haley met while we were doing the play A Christmas Story at the theater.

We had a very busy but extremely productive week. How was your week?

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