Friday, January 28, 2011

Week (or should I say month) in Review

Since I have been so, so bad about keeping up with posting lately, I thought that rather than doing a Week in Review, I would do a Month in Review.  Here's a few pictures to show you some highlights from January.  Can you say snow??? 

Oh, and did I mention that on top of all the snow, it was cold!  We took a few days off because the local schools were closed for the entire week and besides, how many times do we have 8 inches of snow on the ground and perfect sledding just outside your door?  We certainly made the most of it!

Even Hershey seemed to enjoy the snow!  I think he liked chasing the birds the best though.  Speaking of birds, I have never in my entire life seen as many birds as we did that week!  It was amazing to see.  Birds you don't normally get at feeders came for a visit due to the snow. 

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