Today I'm thankful for not having to get up at the crack of dawn to be somewhere. Those of you who know me well know that I am so not a morning person. I'm not generally civil until around 9 am. If you don't believe me, just ask my husband. Today we had an uneventful day of schoolwork, followed by a fun afternoon of running errands. All the mundane things like going to the bank, renewing car registration, post office, etc. Following all those fun errands (with 3 children in tow), we went to the library. Honestly, I'm really surprised that our local library doesn't quick throw out a closed sign when they see us coming. My kids just don't seem to understand or comprehend the concept of being quiet. But, aside from making way too much noise, one of the twins knocking a bunch of videos off the rack (probably because he was seeing how fast the little rack would spin around), and then the boys having a tug of war match over who got to push the little book cart around, we survived. I have to say, since the library modernized their system and made everything available online, my life has been SO much simpler. I can do most all of my searching at home and keep our visits as short and sweet as possible, as I'm sure the staff appreciate.
One exciting thing that we did find out about today is that we have 2 products to review. We went to the library to check out some books on Australia to prepare for next weeks unit study. Once we finish, I'll be reviewing the products for you here. All 3 of my kids were super excited about that one! The other product we're reviewing is about fireman. My boys have fireman costumes, and love playing fireman, so this unit study is sure to be a hit as well. Check back in a few weeks to see my review on both of these great products from
The Old Schoolhouse.